
Showing posts from July, 2017

The war of aggression waged by Hamas, against which Israel has commenced a robust response, must not be seen in a vacuum - Posted by YJ Draiman

The war of aggression waged by Hamas, against which Israel has commenced a robust response, must not be seen in a vacuum . Hamas is an agent of radical Islam’s revolutionary jihad. Israel , the “little Satan,” is a proxy of Western modernity. The conflict in Gaza is merely the latest round: a continuation of the war which flared up during the summer of 2006 and which rages still in Afghanistan , Pakistan , Iraq , Somalia , Sudan , and other theaters. So what can the big Satan do to help? Obviously, we are not going to contribute military force. We already subsidize Israel ’s defense, and, more importantly, the IDF doesn’t need that kind of aid. What Israel needs is to be allowed to win: to finish the grisly work of “breaking the will of the Arab/Palestinians, of Hamas, to continue to fire at Israel ,” as Israeli Interior Minister Meir Sheetrit so aptly put it. Our best means of bringing about that urgently needed outcome is to nullify the militarily over matched Arab/Pa...

Israel's rights and title to the land is ingrained in history, archaeological findings, international law and possession - YJ Draiman

Israel's rights and title to the land is ingrained in history, archaeological findings, international law and possession Just like the Arab States have not been required to defend their legitimacy, Israel should also not be required to defend its' legitimacy. The 21 Arab States with over 12 million sq. km. and a wealth of oil reserves and the State of Israel that was allocated all of Palestine about 120,000 sq. km. but has today less than 22,000 sq. km. were set up by the Supreme Allied Powers after WWI, when the Ottoman Empire relinquished its title to the territories to the Supreme Allied Powers. The British were assigned as trustee for the Jewish people to help reconstitute the Jewish State as Implemented by the San Remo Treaty of 1920. The San Remo Treaty adopted the Balfour Declaration of 1917 which emulated Napoleon letter to the Jewish community in Israel/Palestine in 1799. Of importance is the fact that treaty terms and documents proving there was no stat...

When enough is enough – Israel it is time to take off the gloves and defend your citizens - no holds barred, no restrictions - YJ Draiman

When enough is enough – Israel it is time to take off the gloves and defend your citizens -  no holds barred, no restrictions. No sane country and no responsible government in the world would stand for hundreds of missiles fired at her citizens in a few days and the daily violence by the Arabs without an extreme response. Israel must utilize all its resources with no restrictions whatsoever and stop the daily terror attacks, violence, stone throwing, knifing and car ramming. The hell with the distorted and biased world opinion or the leftist distorted Media and the liberal left in Israel who has sacrificed the people of Israel since its inception. People respect a country that defends its citizens without any restrained and not a country that puts it citizens in harms way. Fighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a deadly cancer. It can not be treated just where it is visible - every diseased cell in the body must be destroyed leaving no traces. When a poison s...

ISRAEL VERSUS THE OCCUPIERS: The History And Meaning Of "Palestine" And "Palestinian." Posted by YJ Draiman

ISRAEL VERSUS THE OCCUPIERS: The History And Meaning Of " Palestine " And "Palestinian." By Michael Bussio Jul-Aug 2006 Issue of Think-Israel "From the end of the Jewish state in antiquity to the beginning of British rule as trustee, the area now designated by the name Palestine was not a country and had no frontiers, only administrative boundaries..." -- Professor Bernard Lewis, Princeton University "There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not." -- Professor Philip Hatti, Arab historian to Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946 "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria ." -- Delegate of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations Security Council, 1956. "Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands which is over 12 million sq. km. with a wealth of oil reserves. Israel represents one-tenth of one percent of the landmass. But that's too mu...

Israel’s Arabs Do Not Really Belong to State of Israel! - Draiman

Israel ’s Arabs Do Not Really Belong to State of Israel ! A nation has an anthem, a nation has a flag and a nation has an ethos. When one decides to immigrate to a new country, one knows, in advance, that in order to become part of the host country’s fabric, he or she will have to adapt to the host country, meaning, adopt the ethos, sing the anthem and salute the national flag. Become a true and loyal citizen. The Land of Israel was an unlucky one. Since the Romans expelled many of the Jews from their homeland to all four corners of the world and killed over 4 million Jews out of about 12 million, it has seen nothing but foreign hands brush through its soil, leaving behind, as written in the pages of history, rivers of blood, chaos and desolation. While the Jews were yearning for their Jerusalem , foreign hands were mishandling their holy city and desecrating it. Then, the Jews hit a lucky strike, when in 1917 The Balfour Declaration was declared based on Napoleon writte...