The war of aggression waged by Hamas, against which Israel has commenced a robust response, must not be seen in a vacuum - Posted by YJ Draiman
The war of aggression waged by Hamas, against which Israel has commenced a robust response, must not be seen in a vacuum . Hamas is an agent of radical Islam’s revolutionary jihad. Israel , the “little Satan,” is a proxy of Western modernity. The conflict in Gaza is merely the latest round: a continuation of the war which flared up during the summer of 2006 and which rages still in Afghanistan , Pakistan , Iraq , Somalia , Sudan , and other theaters. So what can the big Satan do to help? Obviously, we are not going to contribute military force. We already subsidize Israel ’s defense, and, more importantly, the IDF doesn’t need that kind of aid. What Israel needs is to be allowed to win: to finish the grisly work of “breaking the will of the Arab/Palestinians, of Hamas, to continue to fire at Israel ,” as Israeli Interior Minister Meir Sheetrit so aptly put it. Our best means of bringing about that urgently needed outcome is to nullify the militarily over matched Arab/Pa...